Utopian Animal

The animal symbolic of my Utopia is the giraffe. I chose the giraffe for many reasons. First, giraffes are remarkable creatures that teach all of humanity how to live a grounded, yet expansive life. This amazing animal is also symbolic of grace, intuition, and flexibility. Grace is an important part of “The Land of Bliss” because everyday-life needs to be able to run smoothly, with few bumps in the road. The people of my society will live calm, fulfilling lives where they can connect with their inner souls. Grace brings many other benefits. It eliminates sexism, racism, and crime because people are unable to commit these acts when exhibiting poise and loveliness. As for intuition, this characteristic is an immense part of my Utopia as a whole. If people do not have insight or feeling, than the goal of “The Land of Bliss” will never be met: to create a place where all of those who live there are able to surround themselves with everlasting joy. Making the right decisions and having a grounded vision goes hand in hand with ending sexism, racism, and crime, as mentioned above. Flexibility is yet another component which will be stressed in my Utopia. If you are flexible and willing to change the way you do something for the benefit of another, than you are maintaining the idea of promoting bliss for all. The advantages to being flexible are plentiful. Not only are you adaptive to your environment, but any alteration that comes your way won’t disrupt your state of tranquility. For these reasons, the giraffe is a perfect symbol for “The Land of Bliss.”


  1. This picture is adorable, too! Jeez, there's just so much cute I don't even know what to do with it all. Your utopia sounds lovely.


  2. I love this photo - one of my all time favorites
