List of Rules

  1. There is no violence in my society, only peace. This is because violence tears apart a country. War is simply a means of accomplishing political objectives when negotiations break down. This is not the case in "The Land of Bliss," though, for we handle all problems in a civil manner.
  2. There is no sexism, racism, or hatred of homosexuals because everyone is equal. Discriminating against any person because of their sex, race, or orientation is prohibited. Judging a person based on these attributes is unacceptable. Everyone who lives in "The Land of Bliss" is equal in what they do and how they treat one another.
  3. There is no polluting whatsoever. Pollution is an extremely unnecessary act which destroys nature and the beauty of the world around us. Under no circumstances can anyone pollute in this society because it is easily avoidable through the use of trash cans.
  4. Everyone must recycle. Recycling, along with reducing consumption, is our best means to counter the damage we have been doing to the earth for centuries. When a person recycles, they reduce the amount of poisonous emissions being released into the atmosphere, as well as spare our important natural resources.
  5. Everyone must use Earth-friendly energy in their day-to-day lives. Cleaner energy production is a necessity because we must reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Solar panels and wind turbines are to be used by all inhabitants of "The Land of Bliss," and things such as geothermal energy and biomass are going to begin to be used. Also, all inhabitants are only allowed to drive hybrid cars.
  6. There is no cutting down of trees. Forests are very important because they use carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. The main reason that trees are cut down is for land space, but what people don't see is that we should just make use of the land that has been provided for us. If it means building smaller houses or relocating, than these are steps that we will take to stop forest destruction.
  7. There is no disturbing of other people's inner peace. Because "The Land of Bliss" is structured to help everyone find their inner beauty and peace, it is important that the people of this community do not disturb one another on their journeys of discovery. Respect towards one another is essential.
  8. Everyone must have a high-school and college education. All people must graduate from high-school with a degree, as well as from college with a bachelor's degree. Education is a remarkable opportunity that everyone must take because we want educated, thoughtful people to be part of this society.
  9. Work is only permitted if the person thoroughly enjoys his or her job. It is impossible to live a life of bliss if you do not have a job which you enjoy. Because there will be no money, the purpose of work is to make good use of free time and to gain self satisfaction. Work must be an enjoyable part of each person's life and no one will work a job that they do not like.
  10. The people of this society must own dogs. There are many ways in which dogs are good for us. They are a reason to get up in the morning, a fitness trainer, a companion at home, and a sympathetic ear. Having a dog changes lives for the better and this is a crucial step towards living blissfully.
  11. All members of this society must practice religious toleration. People are allowed to practice any religion that they would like. There is freedom to choose what you would like to believe in and not have other people's opinions influence this. Religious disputes are not tolerable.
  12. Money is not used and all things belong to all people. "The Land of Bliss" does not have a money system. Although this is very surprising, it is definitely possible. The Incas had an advanced and money-less society, and so can we. Without money, there are no longer the constant worries over payments, and things such as jealousy and desire are eliminated. When everyone shares everything, it makes the community closer as a whole.
  13. Everyone must travel at least once a year to a foreign place. Traveling outside of your boundaries is significant because it is important to leave your comfort zone. When you travel, you learn new things, have experiences you would have never had, change your perspective on topics, and grow as a person.
  14. Everyone must have 30 minutes - 1 hour of exercise per day. The people living in "The Land of Bliss" are models of supreme health and athletics. Exercising everyday can help to prevent major illnesses, as well as do things such as boost your self confidence and your immune system.
  15. Unhealthy foods are banished. Consumers cannot be tempted to buy processed, fatty foods if there is none of it on the shelves. In this society, the food shops only sell organic, locally grown foods and products which promote healthy lifestyles. This does not eliminate the sweets which many enjoy, but rather offers new foods to substitute the cookies, ice cream, and candy which often tempt us.

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