Governing Body

My Utopian government is a democracy run by one leader whose job is to make decisions based on moral belief. This leader’s values are shared among all of those who live in “The Land of Bliss,” therefore making them supreme law. When a problem arises, the leader resolves it in the most honorable way possible. This leader is also willing to listen to any advice or criticism which the people of the Utopia may have. Excellent communication between the people who live there and the leader is imperative. Instead of choosing sides over issues, the leader specializes in compromising with the opponents because satisfaction for all is the aim of the government. The leader is able to do this job so perfectly because he or she exhibits the following qualities: morality, balance, trust, creativity, dedication, ethics, honesty, inspiration, knowledge, motivation, organization, passion, patience, reliability, respect, responsibility, and selflessness. The leader strives for nothing less than perfection, and world peace is his or her ideal. To help the leader with all that must be done, there is a group of people known as The Acacia. The Acacia consists of six members elected into the council by the citizens of “The Land of Bliss.” Each member specializes in a different area of concern. These areas are as follows: The Environment Unit, The Labor Unit, The Health Unit, The Education Unit, The Peace Unit, and The Therapeutic Unit. The head of The Environment Unit deals with renewable energy, forestation, recycling, and other “green” matters. The head of the Labor Unit specializes in finding an enjoyable job for each and every person. The head of the Health Unit deals with keeping the inhabitants of the Utopia healthy through exercise, eating well, and altering lifestyles to benefit the well being of the people. The Education Unit handles educating all young people in “The Land of Bliss,” and finding the right college for every high-school student. The Peace Unit is in charge of maintaining the peace within the Utopia, as well as developing peaceful relationships with foreign countries. The Therapeutic Unit is fully devoted to helping all people maintain a life of bliss no matter what the circumstances. The head of each of these departments meets with the leader of the country weekly and together they govern “The Land of Bliss” in a perfect, efficient manner.

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