Daily Itinerary

7:00 AM- Wake-up and eat a healthy breakfast (Example- Special K cereal with nonfat milk, small bowl of fruit salad, glass of orange juice); watch the news and get ready to go for a run

8:00 AM- Run three miles (run with friends along scenic routes)

9:00 AM- Shower and get dressed (weather is always nice- wear a sundress and sandals)

10:00 AM- Go to work at your local job in town as an environmental activist (come up with new ways to help “The Land of Bliss” go green)

11:00 AM- Go to community counseling (you and other members of the town spend quality time getting to know one another, helping with one another’s problems, and building important relationships)

12:00 PM- Eat lunch (organic, local grown foods; Example- Caesar salad with vegetables)

1:00 PM- Work at local job in town as an environmental activist (continue to help the environment through planting trees, installing solar panels, ordering hybrid cars for community members, etc.)

2:00 PM- Go to yoga class with friends (many physical, psychological, and emotional health benefits)

3:00 PM- Come home to walk the dog (bring iPod to listen to favorite music)

4:00 PM- Get a massage to relax your muscles and reflect upon the day

5:00 PM- Cook and eat dinner (good food choices; Example- Turkey burger, broccoli, and organic, whole-grain pasta)

6:00 PM- Watch a movie with friends at a drive-in movie theater (snack on Pina Colada yogurt parfait)

8:00 PM- Come home and sit in hot tub (talk on phone, listen to music, brainstorm ideas for environment)

9:00 PM- Get in bed and read a good book (Example- Tuesdays with Morrie)

10:00 PM- Go to bed and get a good nine hours of rest!

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