Declaration of Independence

I have formed this Utopian society because the modern day world that we live in has become corrupt in several ways. My Utopian society rids of the poverty, overpopulation, sexism, racism, pollution, violence, and crime that presently surround us. I want a world where people do not constantly have to worry about money and other unimportant things. The aim of my society is to build meaningful relationships with others and to find your personal bliss.

Money is a constant worry in this day in age. We’re always thinking about it, using it, making it, losing it, etc. In my Utopia, there is no more “money” and everything is everyone’s. In other words, private property is banished. There is no such thing as possession or ownership. This eliminates jealousy, desire, poverty, anxiety, and, most importantly, it helps to promote universal happiness.

I feel that there needs to be drastic changes, such as the elimination of money, because our society can only be rejuvenated if we start over. Taking steps, such as eradicating ownership, encouraging friendliness between all sorts of people, and supporting each and every individuals drive to be who they want, all go hand-in-hand with the formation of a Utopia where pleasure and harmony are key factors in all people’s lives.

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