Invitation to Friends

Dear Arielle,
I am writing to ask that you consider coming to live in "The Land of Bliss," the most ideal Utopia available. I miss you dearly and know that you would enjoy every aspect of this society. I cannot express how much joy I have gotten from living here. In "The Land of Bliss," the horrid things which presently surround you no longer exist. All people are truly equal, and race, sex, and orientation are all minute details that have no significance in our society. The people are so friendly because everyone is trying to better themselves. With all people working towards a common goal, disputes and fights have virtually disappeared. This therapeutic society offers so much to its citizens, ranging from ideal jobs to yoga classes to helping the planet. Not to mention everything is free because we have a money-less economy here. Because no one uses money, life has become much easier for me. The stress of working to support myself no longer exists, and sharing everything with the people in my community has brought us all closer together. Until now, I didn't realize how many problems money caused. One of the more unique aspects of "The Land of Bliss" is that all people must own dogs. This silly rule has actually helped me progress as a person, and I never would have thought that you could have so much love for an animal before. Saving the environment, eating healthy foods, and exercising are three, important aspects of this Utopia. We work hard to please Mother Nature, while maintaining wholesome lifestyles at the same time. I never had time for myself in the real world and therefore I felt like I never really knew who I was. Coming here has showed me that there is the right job for me out there (I work as an environmental activist), and that connecting my mind, body, and soul has lead me to become a better person. I could not be happier living in "The Land of Bliss" and I hope that you will realize how much more you can make out of your life by living here. Please come join me in the place of everlasting satisfaction; I'll be waiting!


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