Journal Entry 2

Saturday, May 23, 2009
25-Year Old Boy
Ah! Today was totally devoted to planning and preparing for the exchange trip which all people of "The Land of Bliss" must go on each year. Basically it means that everyone has to take a vacation to a different country so that we experience other cultures besides our own. I am going to be visiting Tanzania, Africa this year. This has been a lifelong dream of mine since my childhood. Normally I just visit the regular places like the United States, Australia, Ireland, etc. This year I wanted to completely switch it up, though, and experience things like never before. I have an adviser who helps me to plan the trip and everything, so today we basically just wrote out my daily itineraries and made up a packing list. My parents aren't too thrilled that I am going to be all the way in Africa for three months (eek!) but I know that the experience will definitely be worth it. After I woke up this morning, I drove my hybrid Prius to my adviser's house and we talked, ate fruit salads, and basically hung out the whole day. We even went to our daily yoga class together and that helped me to clear my mind and focus entirely on the trip. I am going to put everything into making my travel to Tanzania, Africa the most rewarding time of my life. While most trips are very stressful to prepare for, all of the trips that I have gone on from "The Land of Bliss" are completely laid back. One of the best things about living in this Utopia is that they make traveling easy, convenient, and fun. Let's hope that my trip will be the best one yet!

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