Name of My Utopian Society

The name of my Utopia is “The Land of Bliss” because bliss, or supreme happiness, is an unspoken condition that people work towards in life. Bliss can be found in landing the perfect job, reaching a challenging goal, or doing an enjoyable activity. Although we may not realize it, we strive to obtain bliss. My Utopia will be bliss for all people. The name “The Land of Bliss” is also significant because it shows that my Utopia is environmentally friendly. The land is treated blissfully, and it is a strictly green society. This name demonstrates how all aspects of life, ranging from the trees to the animals to the people, are surrounded by delight.

Declaration of Independence

I have formed this Utopian society because the modern day world that we live in has become corrupt in several ways. My Utopian society rids of the poverty, overpopulation, sexism, racism, pollution, violence, and crime that presently surround us. I want a world where people do not constantly have to worry about money and other unimportant things. The aim of my society is to build meaningful relationships with others and to find your personal bliss.

Money is a constant worry in this day in age. We’re always thinking about it, using it, making it, losing it, etc. In my Utopia, there is no more “money” and everything is everyone’s. In other words, private property is banished. There is no such thing as possession or ownership. This eliminates jealousy, desire, poverty, anxiety, and, most importantly, it helps to promote universal happiness.

I feel that there needs to be drastic changes, such as the elimination of money, because our society can only be rejuvenated if we start over. Taking steps, such as eradicating ownership, encouraging friendliness between all sorts of people, and supporting each and every individuals drive to be who they want, all go hand-in-hand with the formation of a Utopia where pleasure and harmony are key factors in all people’s lives.

Utopian Motto and Seal

"Live well, laugh often, love much."

This motto is what the inhabitants of "The Land of Bliss" live by because it sums up in few words what it means to be happy. This motto also builds on the idea of forming relationships with those around you that enhance your character and bring out your inner beauty. It is a constant reminder to people that you are only given one life, so you should live it to the fullest. Laughing and loving are experiences that not only promote bliss, but which make life more enjoyable for those who surround us, as well. These age-old virtues tell us to practice things that make it all worthwhile.

The seal that I have designed represents my Utopia because the giraffe is the symbol of "The Land of Bliss." The orange colors are used because giraffes are an orange-like color, and this color also symbolizes energy and healing. Orange is even considered to be a genuinely happy color, raising spirits and invigorating those who observe it. My seal consists of many different shades of orange, as well as the depiction of a fascinating giraffe.

Utopian Animal

The animal symbolic of my Utopia is the giraffe. I chose the giraffe for many reasons. First, giraffes are remarkable creatures that teach all of humanity how to live a grounded, yet expansive life. This amazing animal is also symbolic of grace, intuition, and flexibility. Grace is an important part of “The Land of Bliss” because everyday-life needs to be able to run smoothly, with few bumps in the road. The people of my society will live calm, fulfilling lives where they can connect with their inner souls. Grace brings many other benefits. It eliminates sexism, racism, and crime because people are unable to commit these acts when exhibiting poise and loveliness. As for intuition, this characteristic is an immense part of my Utopia as a whole. If people do not have insight or feeling, than the goal of “The Land of Bliss” will never be met: to create a place where all of those who live there are able to surround themselves with everlasting joy. Making the right decisions and having a grounded vision goes hand in hand with ending sexism, racism, and crime, as mentioned above. Flexibility is yet another component which will be stressed in my Utopia. If you are flexible and willing to change the way you do something for the benefit of another, than you are maintaining the idea of promoting bliss for all. The advantages to being flexible are plentiful. Not only are you adaptive to your environment, but any alteration that comes your way won’t disrupt your state of tranquility. For these reasons, the giraffe is a perfect symbol for “The Land of Bliss.”

List of Rules

  1. There is no violence in my society, only peace. This is because violence tears apart a country. War is simply a means of accomplishing political objectives when negotiations break down. This is not the case in "The Land of Bliss," though, for we handle all problems in a civil manner.
  2. There is no sexism, racism, or hatred of homosexuals because everyone is equal. Discriminating against any person because of their sex, race, or orientation is prohibited. Judging a person based on these attributes is unacceptable. Everyone who lives in "The Land of Bliss" is equal in what they do and how they treat one another.
  3. There is no polluting whatsoever. Pollution is an extremely unnecessary act which destroys nature and the beauty of the world around us. Under no circumstances can anyone pollute in this society because it is easily avoidable through the use of trash cans.
  4. Everyone must recycle. Recycling, along with reducing consumption, is our best means to counter the damage we have been doing to the earth for centuries. When a person recycles, they reduce the amount of poisonous emissions being released into the atmosphere, as well as spare our important natural resources.
  5. Everyone must use Earth-friendly energy in their day-to-day lives. Cleaner energy production is a necessity because we must reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Solar panels and wind turbines are to be used by all inhabitants of "The Land of Bliss," and things such as geothermal energy and biomass are going to begin to be used. Also, all inhabitants are only allowed to drive hybrid cars.
  6. There is no cutting down of trees. Forests are very important because they use carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. The main reason that trees are cut down is for land space, but what people don't see is that we should just make use of the land that has been provided for us. If it means building smaller houses or relocating, than these are steps that we will take to stop forest destruction.
  7. There is no disturbing of other people's inner peace. Because "The Land of Bliss" is structured to help everyone find their inner beauty and peace, it is important that the people of this community do not disturb one another on their journeys of discovery. Respect towards one another is essential.
  8. Everyone must have a high-school and college education. All people must graduate from high-school with a degree, as well as from college with a bachelor's degree. Education is a remarkable opportunity that everyone must take because we want educated, thoughtful people to be part of this society.
  9. Work is only permitted if the person thoroughly enjoys his or her job. It is impossible to live a life of bliss if you do not have a job which you enjoy. Because there will be no money, the purpose of work is to make good use of free time and to gain self satisfaction. Work must be an enjoyable part of each person's life and no one will work a job that they do not like.
  10. The people of this society must own dogs. There are many ways in which dogs are good for us. They are a reason to get up in the morning, a fitness trainer, a companion at home, and a sympathetic ear. Having a dog changes lives for the better and this is a crucial step towards living blissfully.
  11. All members of this society must practice religious toleration. People are allowed to practice any religion that they would like. There is freedom to choose what you would like to believe in and not have other people's opinions influence this. Religious disputes are not tolerable.
  12. Money is not used and all things belong to all people. "The Land of Bliss" does not have a money system. Although this is very surprising, it is definitely possible. The Incas had an advanced and money-less society, and so can we. Without money, there are no longer the constant worries over payments, and things such as jealousy and desire are eliminated. When everyone shares everything, it makes the community closer as a whole.
  13. Everyone must travel at least once a year to a foreign place. Traveling outside of your boundaries is significant because it is important to leave your comfort zone. When you travel, you learn new things, have experiences you would have never had, change your perspective on topics, and grow as a person.
  14. Everyone must have 30 minutes - 1 hour of exercise per day. The people living in "The Land of Bliss" are models of supreme health and athletics. Exercising everyday can help to prevent major illnesses, as well as do things such as boost your self confidence and your immune system.
  15. Unhealthy foods are banished. Consumers cannot be tempted to buy processed, fatty foods if there is none of it on the shelves. In this society, the food shops only sell organic, locally grown foods and products which promote healthy lifestyles. This does not eliminate the sweets which many enjoy, but rather offers new foods to substitute the cookies, ice cream, and candy which often tempt us.

Governing Body

My Utopian government is a democracy run by one leader whose job is to make decisions based on moral belief. This leader’s values are shared among all of those who live in “The Land of Bliss,” therefore making them supreme law. When a problem arises, the leader resolves it in the most honorable way possible. This leader is also willing to listen to any advice or criticism which the people of the Utopia may have. Excellent communication between the people who live there and the leader is imperative. Instead of choosing sides over issues, the leader specializes in compromising with the opponents because satisfaction for all is the aim of the government. The leader is able to do this job so perfectly because he or she exhibits the following qualities: morality, balance, trust, creativity, dedication, ethics, honesty, inspiration, knowledge, motivation, organization, passion, patience, reliability, respect, responsibility, and selflessness. The leader strives for nothing less than perfection, and world peace is his or her ideal. To help the leader with all that must be done, there is a group of people known as The Acacia. The Acacia consists of six members elected into the council by the citizens of “The Land of Bliss.” Each member specializes in a different area of concern. These areas are as follows: The Environment Unit, The Labor Unit, The Health Unit, The Education Unit, The Peace Unit, and The Therapeutic Unit. The head of The Environment Unit deals with renewable energy, forestation, recycling, and other “green” matters. The head of the Labor Unit specializes in finding an enjoyable job for each and every person. The head of the Health Unit deals with keeping the inhabitants of the Utopia healthy through exercise, eating well, and altering lifestyles to benefit the well being of the people. The Education Unit handles educating all young people in “The Land of Bliss,” and finding the right college for every high-school student. The Peace Unit is in charge of maintaining the peace within the Utopia, as well as developing peaceful relationships with foreign countries. The Therapeutic Unit is fully devoted to helping all people maintain a life of bliss no matter what the circumstances. The head of each of these departments meets with the leader of the country weekly and together they govern “The Land of Bliss” in a perfect, efficient manner.

Invitation to Friends

Dear Arielle,
I am writing to ask that you consider coming to live in "The Land of Bliss," the most ideal Utopia available. I miss you dearly and know that you would enjoy every aspect of this society. I cannot express how much joy I have gotten from living here. In "The Land of Bliss," the horrid things which presently surround you no longer exist. All people are truly equal, and race, sex, and orientation are all minute details that have no significance in our society. The people are so friendly because everyone is trying to better themselves. With all people working towards a common goal, disputes and fights have virtually disappeared. This therapeutic society offers so much to its citizens, ranging from ideal jobs to yoga classes to helping the planet. Not to mention everything is free because we have a money-less economy here. Because no one uses money, life has become much easier for me. The stress of working to support myself no longer exists, and sharing everything with the people in my community has brought us all closer together. Until now, I didn't realize how many problems money caused. One of the more unique aspects of "The Land of Bliss" is that all people must own dogs. This silly rule has actually helped me progress as a person, and I never would have thought that you could have so much love for an animal before. Saving the environment, eating healthy foods, and exercising are three, important aspects of this Utopia. We work hard to please Mother Nature, while maintaining wholesome lifestyles at the same time. I never had time for myself in the real world and therefore I felt like I never really knew who I was. Coming here has showed me that there is the right job for me out there (I work as an environmental activist), and that connecting my mind, body, and soul has lead me to become a better person. I could not be happier living in "The Land of Bliss" and I hope that you will realize how much more you can make out of your life by living here. Please come join me in the place of everlasting satisfaction; I'll be waiting!


Journal Entry 1

Monday, May 18, 2009
16-Year Old Girl
Today was an all-around amazing day. School in "The Land of Bliss" is actually interesting, and I feel like I learned a lot. One of the best things about living here is how I get to wake up at 8:00 AM for school because it doesn't start until 9:00 AM! Getting more sleep has helped me to have enough energy to get through the day's activities. We had our typical four hour school day today, with a lunch break in between. My friends and I went to a local organic food cafe for a quick lunch before biking back to school. Basically all of the kids ride bikes here because our community is very focused on helping the environment. All of the people are very athletic and fit, too. I received an adorable pink bike for my birthday and I ride it everywhere. At school we learned English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. While these are the standard classes, the teachers make the subjects super interesting and we don't even receive homework! As long as we thoroughly comprehend the lessons, the teachers are happy. After school all of my friends and I went to get some exercise by swimming at the lake. The water was beautiful and the perfect temperature. We even went on a short run and then attended a community social event where you get to know people in your town better. Part of this event also involved preparing to determine the best college and job for you. Every student at our school has a personal adviser to help them narrow down college choices based on what we would like to major in. The advisers even work to guarantee that we end up working jobs that we love. Later, I had the most delicious dinner at my friend Arden's house. Because we live in a money-less economy, we are able to share everything with everyone. Arden's mom is a fantastic cook and she made homemade, whole-grain pasta with a delicious sauce. When I got home, my brother and I planted a couple trees, brought our recycling to the recycling center, and relaxed in the hot tub. My mom finds it very important to have family time, as well, so we all watched a great movie together called "Earth". Overall, today was a very easy-going, fun day and I am really looking forward to the rest of the week!

Journal Entry 2

Saturday, May 23, 2009
25-Year Old Boy
Ah! Today was totally devoted to planning and preparing for the exchange trip which all people of "The Land of Bliss" must go on each year. Basically it means that everyone has to take a vacation to a different country so that we experience other cultures besides our own. I am going to be visiting Tanzania, Africa this year. This has been a lifelong dream of mine since my childhood. Normally I just visit the regular places like the United States, Australia, Ireland, etc. This year I wanted to completely switch it up, though, and experience things like never before. I have an adviser who helps me to plan the trip and everything, so today we basically just wrote out my daily itineraries and made up a packing list. My parents aren't too thrilled that I am going to be all the way in Africa for three months (eek!) but I know that the experience will definitely be worth it. After I woke up this morning, I drove my hybrid Prius to my adviser's house and we talked, ate fruit salads, and basically hung out the whole day. We even went to our daily yoga class together and that helped me to clear my mind and focus entirely on the trip. I am going to put everything into making my travel to Tanzania, Africa the most rewarding time of my life. While most trips are very stressful to prepare for, all of the trips that I have gone on from "The Land of Bliss" are completely laid back. One of the best things about living in this Utopia is that they make traveling easy, convenient, and fun. Let's hope that my trip will be the best one yet!

Journal Entry 3

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
30 Year-Old Woman
My job was made for me! I work as a fashion merchandiser here in "The Land of Bliss." This is not like regular fashion merchandise, though. I promote clothing and cosmetics with friends. These clothes and make-up are all 100% eco-friendly. We offer high-end organic denim, recycled fibers, and much more. Eco-fashion is so important to me, and many don't know how different it is. It ranges from using just a simple fabric like organic cotton to donating proceeds to an earth-friendly charity. There are so many ways to help the environment, while still pursuing what I love! Since I have been a fashion merchandiser for the store "Eco-Chic," we have had many more customers visit our store than in previous years. A lot of the people who come to our shop to buy things don't even understand the extent to which they are making a difference! One reason why I love my job is because it definitely works towards fulfilling our society's goals: promoting happiness and helping the environment. This just goes to show how many different ways you can help save the Earth! Since I've moved here, I've learned so much. I don't think I even knew what eco-friendly fashion was before arriving. Today, my friends Angela, Marielle, and I all went to a special conference to take items from other designers and brands to sell in our store. I especially liked this super cute loyale organic cotton bikini made with low-impact dyes. It had a floral design which was adorable! We took a bamboo underwire bras and ecoist bags, and then other cosmetic products from Nexxus Nourishing Botanicals. It's so fun picking and choosing things to keep you eco-friendly and stylish.

Daily Itinerary

7:00 AM- Wake-up and eat a healthy breakfast (Example- Special K cereal with nonfat milk, small bowl of fruit salad, glass of orange juice); watch the news and get ready to go for a run

8:00 AM- Run three miles (run with friends along scenic routes)

9:00 AM- Shower and get dressed (weather is always nice- wear a sundress and sandals)

10:00 AM- Go to work at your local job in town as an environmental activist (come up with new ways to help “The Land of Bliss” go green)

11:00 AM- Go to community counseling (you and other members of the town spend quality time getting to know one another, helping with one another’s problems, and building important relationships)

12:00 PM- Eat lunch (organic, local grown foods; Example- Caesar salad with vegetables)

1:00 PM- Work at local job in town as an environmental activist (continue to help the environment through planting trees, installing solar panels, ordering hybrid cars for community members, etc.)

2:00 PM- Go to yoga class with friends (many physical, psychological, and emotional health benefits)

3:00 PM- Come home to walk the dog (bring iPod to listen to favorite music)

4:00 PM- Get a massage to relax your muscles and reflect upon the day

5:00 PM- Cook and eat dinner (good food choices; Example- Turkey burger, broccoli, and organic, whole-grain pasta)

6:00 PM- Watch a movie with friends at a drive-in movie theater (snack on Pina Colada yogurt parfait)

8:00 PM- Come home and sit in hot tub (talk on phone, listen to music, brainstorm ideas for environment)

9:00 PM- Get in bed and read a good book (Example- Tuesdays with Morrie)

10:00 PM- Go to bed and get a good nine hours of rest!


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